Looking Beyond Ugly

When I walked into the house today after work I noticed that the tulips in the vase on my dining room table were ready to throw out.  They were leaning over, their dried blossoms hanging upside down nearly touching the table.  I started to move them to the trash can…and then the afternoon light through the window shining on the near-dead plant caught my eye.  And suddenly I could see the beauty in the crumbling blossoms that had seemed so ugly only moments before.


A  photography tip aside: It was just last week that Joy from Joyfully Green had posted an article where she described the place–her dining room–that served as a photo studio because of the light it offers.  (Joy has many tips to share…about photography and about living green.)

As a teacher, it’s my job to look beyond the ugly–the spaces where learning isn’t happening in the ways we want or expect–and figure out how to find the light that transforms.  And it isn’t always easy.  Sometimes it just seems easier to place blame, give in to frustration, or pass the buck.  But then the light shines through my dining room window and I can look beyond the ugly and find the beauty.


(Five Stories…not sure if I followed the rules, but thanks for encouraging me to tell a story today!)

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